Ditch the Lease, Own the Place!
first time homebuyers
Event information
Date and TIme: 3/27/2025 at 5:30pm
Cost: FRee - includes snacks, refreshments, and a drawing for a recteq grill to put in your new home!
trainers: April mcbride and erick foglio
Location: Georgia Cyber Center Hull Mcknight building Inside theclubhou.se
We’ll be downstairs to meet you when you arrive and sign you in, or you can text 706-306-7904 if you get lost. Detailed directions for getting to the conference room:
- Go inside the building and sign in at the desk across from the elevator.
- Go up the elevator to the 3rd floor.
- Turn left out of the elevator, and turn left again after walking through the door to the hallway.
- Theclubhou.se is the first set of doors on your right across from the kitchen, go in the doors.
- Walk as far left as you can – we’re in the river room with an amazing view of the Savannah River.
first time homebuyers
What You will learn

1. the Basics of the homebuying process
How everything works so there are no suprises.
2. how to get qualified for a mortgage
Tips for making sure you get that first-time approval!
3. what your financing options are
An overview of your loan options, including ways you can come to the table even if you don’t have much cash on hand.
4. All about Escrow
An overview of your loan options, including ways you can come to the table even if you don’t have much cash on hand.
5. The closing process
An overview of your loan options, including ways you can come to the table even if you don’t have much cash on hand.